Incidents of Bike Accidents and Insurance Claims in India


India is home to millions of bikes and bike owners. With such a large number of people in charge of the road environment, it can become unsafe. That is why road safety has always been a concern for the government.

There are numerous traffic rules in place for every citizen’s safety, be it the driver, passenger, or pedestrian. One among them is that the bike owner must mandatorily purchase two-wheeler insurance. These days, buying bike insurance online has become convenient and time-saving.

Although it is a mandate to purchase a third-party bike insurance policy, purchasing comprehensive bike insurance is a wise decision. Let us help you understand how two-wheeler accidents and bike insurance policies are related to each other.

 Bike Accidents in India

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highway released a report on Road Accidents in India in 2022. According to this report,

  • Two-wheelers accounted for the highest number of total accidents and fatalities for the second consecutive year in 2022.
  • Two-wheeler rider’s total fatality was the highest in 2022, with 44.5%.
  • The fatality rate by two-wheelers increased to 7.9% from 2021 to 2022.
  • States with the highest number of deaths by two-wheelers in 2022 were Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

These fatalities are caused by various reasons, including not following the basic traffic rules like not wearing a helmet, not driving on the left side of the road, jumping the red signal, etc. Moreover, the number of casualties, too, has increased over the years.

Hence, having a two-wheeler insurance policy becomes essential.

 Basic Traffic Rules Every Biker Must Follow

The abovementioned statistics regarding the number of accidents are scary for any sensible rider out there. As a responsible citizen of the country, you must ensure to follow all the traffic rules laid down by the authorities. One must remember that bike accident case laws in India are stringent, with high penalties and punishments for violation of traffic rules.

  1. Sporting a helmet is extremely crucial for each and every driver. Most of the fatalities during two-wheeler accidents happen due to a lack of helmets.
  2. Staying within the speed limit is important. The speed limits are decided based on many protocols, and various aspects are considered while determining that limit to ensure road safety.
  3. The Indian Traffic laws strictly prohibit drinking and driving, and it is a punishable offence.
  4. Underage driving is an offence in every state of the country.
  5. Driving without bike insurance is also legally prohibited. If you own a bike, you must at least buy a third-party two-wheeler insurance policy for the safety of a third person, although opting for a comprehensive policy is usually recommended.

 Importance of Having a Two-Wheeler Insurance

A policy that provides financial cover in case of an accident with your two-wheeler is called a two-wheeler insurance policy! Purchasing a bike insurance policy is mandated by law. These days, buying a bike policy online is extremely straightforward. Moreover, renewal, claims process, policy comparison, etc., too, have become a breeze.

Typically, there are two types of bike insurance policies:

Third-Party Insurance

Suppose your bike is involved in an accident, and you cause some damage to the opposite party. Be it another driver or a pedestrian, this insurance policy will cover the financial expenses related to the damage recovery this third party experienced. This is why third-party bike insurance is mandatory by law in India.

Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive bike insurance policy does not only offer third-party coverage in case of an accident, but also covers the damages for the ride and the vehicle. Moreover, coverage is also offered for damages to the bike in case of natural calamities, fire, theft or loss. Hence, it is always better to choose a comprehensive two-wheeler policy instead of standalone or third-party insurance policy.

 Final Words

It is important for a citizen of the country to abide by the laws and regulations provided by the legal system of India. Be it traffic laws or any other laws, they are created for the citizen’s welfare. It is only fair for them to run by rules!

Having valid bike insurance is mandatory for every bike owner in the nation. Furthermore, buying it from a reputed insurance provider like Tata AIG is always recommended.

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